Watching Fish Thoughts
MIT Technology Review,
Scientists record the neuronal activity of a fish brain as the animal watches its prey. Scientists in Japan have recorded the…
Watching Fish Thoughts Form
MIT Technology Review,
Scientists record the neuronal activity of a fish brain as the animal watches its prey. Scientists in Japan have recorded the…
A Window into the Mind
The Scientist Magazine,
First Video Of Brain Forming Thoughts Captured By Japanese Researchers [VIDEO]
International Business Times,
News story from Los Angeles Times on Friday 01 February 2013
Los Angeles Times,
News in Brief: As fish watch prey, researchers watch fish's brains
Science News,
Scientists Hack Into Fish Brain, Observe Thoughts Swimming
International Business Times,
Scientists Watch a Fish Think -
Scientists get a look inside the mind of a living zebrafish
What's Your Fish Thinking?
New technique allows scientists to watch a freely moving animal's neurons fire in real time
What's Your Fish Thinking?
New technique allows scientists to watch a freely moving animal's neurons fire in real time
Fluorescent protein lets us read a fish's thoughts
New Scientist,
A groundbreaking technique produces a moving light inside a zebrafish's brain as different areas respond to what its eyes see